Quality Control
The Quality Control department does a variety of tasks on a daily basis. First thing every morning one of our ACI certified employees will gather material and perform a moisture burning test and run an aggregate gradation. This allows for an accurate batch and verification that aggregates are up to saturation surface dry (SSD) and in specification within the gradation parameter. If any material is to fail a gradation, it is sent back to the aggregate pit and new material is brought in. This process will repeat itself until the material is in spec. After the moisture test and gradations are completed, there are multiple air tests that are performed to assure accurate air content in every mix that will be going out for that particular day. The air testing is crucial for the Northern Nevada region due to the freeze/thaw environment during the winter months. Slump tests and unit weight tests are also run every day to assure proper yields for the batch.
3D Concrete, Inc. will have a qualified Q.C. Tech/Sales Rep on site during pours. This allows a one on one interaction with the customer to verify yardage quantities, mix designs and spacing of trucks. If problems were to occur, the company representative can take action immediately without the need of a phone call from the customer to the plant.
3D Concrete, Inc. also offers a top of the line water chiller from two of the locations (Carson City & Sparks) for hot temperature days. No other local ready mix company can offer this service. 3D Concrete, Inc. feels that this is a necessity for the hot summer days in Nevada. This service combined with our hot water system gives our customers the ability to order concrete at specific temperatures throughout the year.